UPDATE: See Three Ways to Get Drush on OS X for a newer guide.
At EchoDitto, we’re big fans of Drush. It’s installed on all of our servers and it’s a great way to perform maintenance tasks, download core and modules, and much much more. I’m not a big fan of installing from zip files though, so let’s use git to easily keep our Drush install up to date.
Before the git transition, I would use Subversion to check out the latest drush release somewhere, like /usr/local/drush (on my Mac), using the CVS clone Subversible. Today, however, I noticed that the latest tagged release Subversible has is 4.2, and the Drush project page has 4.4 ready to download. I figured now would be a good time to start using git for this and stop relying on a third-party to provide the code for Subversion.
The commands below will walk through cloning the Drush git repository and then switching to the latest release. I realize the drush self-update will soon make this irrelevant, but this method works today and is a great exercise in learning how Drupal is using git, especially important coming from Subversion.
Clone the repository. It will create the subfolder “drush” from your current working directory:
git clone --branch master http://git.drupal.org/project/drush.git
cd drush
Use pear to download includes/table.inc. This one-liner will take care of everything for you as long as you have pear installed and are in the new drush directory:
pear download Console_Table
tar zxvf `ls Console_Table-*.tgz` `ls Console_Table-*.tgz | sed -e 's/\.[a-z]\{3\}$//'`/Table.php
mv `ls Console_Table-*.tgz | sed -e 's/\.[a-z]\{3\}$//'`/Table.php includes/table.inc
chmod 0644 includes/table.inc && rm -fr Console_Table-*
At this point you may or may not have a functioning Drush installation, because you’re using the HEAD of the Drush code repository and it might contain broken code. I would recommend switching the checkout to the latest release. We’ll start by viewing all releases:
$ git tag
... snip ...
As of this writing, there are over 50 results from this command, but you’ll see the latest is “7.x-4.4”. If we want our local Drush install to be at 4.4, change the checkout:
$ git checkout 7.x-4.4
Previous HEAD position was 1532d0c... #1079434 by msonnabaum. Add .gitignore for includes/table.inc
HEAD is now at a808ff0... Updating drush version
That’s it! Drush is set up on 4.4:
$ drush --version
drush version 4.4
Let’s say 4.5 is released tomorrow and you want to change your checkout. First you’ll need to update the local git repository: git pull
View the list of tags:
$ git tag
... snip ...
And switch your checkout to the new release: git checkout 7.x-4.5
Repeat for future releases, and enjoy! Of course, once drush self-update begins working, that will be the preferred method, but this will work today.
This post originally featured on the EchoDitto Labs blog.