I have long been a big fan of Homebrew, a way of adding open-source software to OS X without much of the overhead and systems link MacPorts and Fink introduce. It’s quickly become my favorite way to do PHP-based development on a Mac, and I’ve blogged before about various ways to integrate Homebrew-based software into your workflow.
In preparing new documentation for using Homebrew on 10.7 and 10.8 (coming soon to my EchoDitto blog), I wanted to find a way to run either mod_suexec or mod_fastcgi so I could use the built-in version of Apache without having to change folder ownership in random places where the web server needed to modify files. Homebrew did not have any formulas, but I found that Lifepillar had written formulas (mod_fastcgi) (mod_suexec) for them both and was hoping to get them into Homebrew.
Driven solely by my desire to have my documentation easier to follow, I set up a brew tap for these two Apache modules. Shortly after adding it to the list of interesting taps and branches, the decision was made to incorporate the repository under the Homebrew organization and have a place just for Apache modules.
As of today, here are the modules available in the tap:
- mod_fastcgi - written by lifepillar
- mod_suexec - written by lifepillar, 10.8 work by me
- mod_fcgid - written by rjocoleman
- mod_bonjour - written by joemaller
- mod_python and mod_wsgi - copied from main Homebrew formulas
If you have any problems or questions, let me know in the issue queue! Or write a formula and submit a pull request!